Being Selfless is a good thing, right?
Nope. It’s not……
Now this might cause a trigger for you and I get that. The patriarchal system has conditioned us to be selfless. To give to everybody, to be compassionate, to love, to do for others, to help others, to be charitable…
And I’m not arguing with being selfless, by all means be selfless….
But not at the expense of yourself.
Not to the point of exhaustion, fatigue, depletion…. that’s the patriarchal way.
A constant rat race of giving to everybody else but never to yourself. Mothers doing everything for their kids but nothing for themselves….never ending drop offs at kids sports, birthday parties, fundraisers. Showing up relentlessly so your child gets the opportunities that you never had. Sacrificing the yoga class, the night out with the girls, the spa weekend….. so that you can once again do something for somebody else.
And where does this leave you? Anxious, disconnected, unfulfilled, exhausted, bitchy, short tempered, resentful, living from a depleted cup - nothing left to give, nothing left for you, no time left for yourself…..
And this is when being Selfless does not serve anyone. It is not you showing up as your best self….its when the light within has dimmed to the slightest flicker and you don’t even recognize yourself anymore.
Its the selfless way and thankfully it’s not the only way, there is an alternative….
The way that shatters the patriarchy - The Sovereign Way.
Showing up and serving others from an overflowing cup, an overflowing amount of fulfillment. Serving yourself first, so you can then serve others - so you can show up for others from a full heart.
The Sovereign way means standing in your boundaries, saying No to others. Saying Yes to yourself. Putting your passion & pleasure first. Filling your cup with the things that bring you joy and fulfillment because you know that you living the life of your dreams serves everyone else.
That your happiness benefits everyone else, that it serves the world.
That you stepping into your Sovereign Self is the key to your liberation & freedom & the worlds.
Join me for a 3 day online retreat.
{you will also receive updates from time to time with additional guidance on self-love, wellness, manifesting, spirituality & more.}
December 13th - 15th, 1pm - 3pm MST. All classes recorded & recordings sent out.