The Wise Woman is the archetype that has been initiated through the spiritual fires of menopause. She has created, birthed, grieved & died a thousand deaths to claim Her throne as an Elder.
She offers the wisdom of a life well lived & guides others through the invitations that life offers.
As we all meet the threshold of the Wise Woman, whether you are in perimenopause, menopause, or still bleeding with menopause no where in sight there is vast amounts of wisdom that can be gained from a group of women to navigate the waters more effectively. To prepare your body, to understand what is happening & what is to come.
To gain knowledge & experiences of an initiation that isn’t often talked about & to be held by a village of women that are meeting you exactly where you are.
In Person Roberts Creek
March 30th Opening Circle
12 Months - Monthly circle & Telegram Group.
$399 in Full.
$35.00 Per Month.
Join us with the link below.