My Soul Sister + fellow health coach Eleanor Duelley shares her story about losing herself after having children, the struggles through the weight loss + eventually coming out stronger than ever through working with a coach. I think a lot of us mama's out there could relate..

Here's a clip from her post....'At this point, I was stressed out, anxious, self conscious about my weight, unhealthy, not sleeping, a stay at home mom of 2 little ones and in tears all the time. I just did not know what to do, and I felt so out of control that I was considering the calorie counting, food deprivation, fun-sucking, workout obsessed lifestyle again. I was very depressed, and although my husband was loving and supportive, he just didn't understand the stress I was putting on myself to just be happy. Why wasn't I happy? i had two beautiful children, a great house, amazing husband, but something was missing. Where had I gone?'

Click the link for the full story + find a little inspiration to gain that sweet balance between having a family + not losing yourself in the mix. 

You can check out + keep up to date with Eleanor on Facebook + Instagram.