On Saturday evening Sian and I facilitated a workshop connecting deep with the ancestors, anchoring into our womb space and embodying who we are with the potent energy of this time of year.

We drummed, danced, chanted and guided the woman deep into their sacral and root, where the wisdom of those that came before us resides.

The powerful lineage of women that stand behind me came forward. A thread that weaves and connects from womb to womb. A web of energy that never dies, that is always interconnected. The whispers of the grandmothers always being voiced and heard only when we get quiet enough to listen.

In a previous past life regression I regressed to being in my mothers womb, she was happy. I feel that love from her.

And just as the lineage of women come forward so do the men that have all transitioned to the other side. When I work with a particular healer my dad is always waiting, eagerly anticipating this sacred time that we get to commune.

I love him.

He is my biggest fan, my number one cheerleader rooting me along from just across the veil.

The veils are thin dear ones, what messages from the ancestors are just waiting to be heard?