I PRAY....

I pray you never get consumed with so much busyness that you forget to actually listen to the other human speaking to you.

I pray that you don’t get so caught up in your own shit, in irritability, frustration, the illusion of the mind that you miss the chance to actually connect with another being.

I pray that you don’t consume yourself with the numbing of your choice, the escape from this human existence and miss out on the chance to blossom into your fullness.

I pray that you make time for the humans you’ve chosen to walk this earth dance with and don’t stay stuck in the technological void.

I pray that you don’t get so caught up in the rat race, the constant motion of the world that one day you wake up and you’ve busied your life away.

The doing has consumed you and the option to just be is no longer.
The choice for depth, connection, authenticity - a fleeting moment that has missed you.
The chance to be a human has slipped you by.