Our root chakra is our sense of safety & security. It is our base, the place where everything else is built upon.

In many senses our root chakra as a collective has been ripped out from underneath us. Our collective root, our earth is in the process of cleansing, releasing, dismantling. She is in the process of healing.

Re-formulating, re-inventing, guiding us to re-member before a new earth emerges.

Before a new collective of consciousness takes the fore front.

And with that our bodies are responding, they are undergoing their own dismantling, cleansing, releasing in unison with the earth. There own process of re-inventing, re-membering and re-formulating as we all undergo this time where the false illusions and systems that were the bedrock of society are de-constructed, broken down to the bones and re-built.

Our bodies are doing the same.

Exhaustion, breaking down, dismantling, releasing?
What does it look like for you? What is your body saying?

As I write this I am sitting with emotions & exhaustion post emergency surgery on a condition that has resurfaced over the past five years, a slight peeking out from the layers deep within every now and then and with this deconstruction of old paradigms, as the earth heals she moved into a full eruption within my body like no other I’ve ever experienced of anger & rage to the point that this underlying web of protection and safety had to be physically removed.

Making way for a new foundation.

The chrysalis melds conceiving an opening for the butterfly
The embryo merges to give space for the full birth
The ashes swept within for the phoenix to rise

Broken down systems giving way for a new earth.

And as we are going through this upheaval, this time while all systems are shaken up my invitation to you is to connect to your body, to listen to her wisdom. To move, to dance, to see the fissures, the landscape that is inside your skin, the earth within your physical form. To pay witness to the bones and foundations that want to crumble, that are ready to release and dismantle to make way for the new you.

The butterfly, the blossom that is emerging from the old foundation anew, familiar but different.