The element of the Wild Woman is water.
The waters that reside in our womb pulled by the magnetic force of the moon. The moon that moves the oceans, the seas - pulls & moves the waters that reside within us. The moon stirring up our emotions as the waters of Cerridwens cauldron move into tumultuous seas or calm rippling waters.
The water the emotions.
We have been conditioned to repress our emotions, to cast them aside & push them away. To bottle them up & act as if they aren’t there. This repression of emotions is denying one of the most beautiful aspects of being a human - to feel, to emote, to express.
Emotions are the language of the soul, they push us out of our comfort zone, they push us into action & when we deny there expression it’s like putting a cement wall around our heart, our womb. Each denied expression a layer of clutter that is blocking us from hearing the whispers of the soul, the truth that resides deep within.
Our emotions are necessary, they are guides, they are a compass to our deep inner truth. They are the key to buried memories, to events that have a significance our conscious mind may have denied.
The practice is to be with your emotions, to feel them, express them, move them - give them space & honour them.
The womb is shaped like a chalice that holds sacred water. The movement of the womb is governed by the hips, the hips that create the slow, sensual dance of the wild woman.
When the hips resist movement, the waters go stale & stagnant. Energy stays stuck & becomes internally all consuming as it sits in stillness. The slightest movement in the hips stirs the waters of the chalice, bringing life & expression back into this sacred space.
Stirring up the emotions & allowing them to move.
How do your hips want to move to stir up the chalice of the womb?
Allow this movement to take over the body & when it feels complete come back to seated, close your eyes & imagine the forest of your womb.
What layers are present, where is there dense, dark soil that is wanting to be explored? What emotions are wanting to be sat with & honoured?
Where is there opportunity to sink into the wild dark feminine forest & move with the moon?