This morning I let out a blood curdling scream that felt like it might shatter the glass as I drove home.
I let my wild woman speak, I let the rage, the sadness, the raw, beautiful, delicate emotions that I am feeling out.

It was messy.
The Wild Woman is messy.
Healing is messy.
Life is messy.

And we have been conditioned to stop the messiness….to soldier on, to put on a brave face, armour up….to negate what we are feeling & we h a v e to feel.

We have to take off the armour to fully live this life.

We are spirits having a human experience.
We are imperfect.
We are messy.
We are holy.
We are human.
We are animals.
Primitive & Wild.

We live on a planet of duality, we are going to have the pain & heartache, the love, the joy…..and every single facet in between and when we cut ourselves off from feeling, from the messiness of life we numb out. We sit in the middle zone. Not really here. Not really living with an armoured heart.

Dimmed & dead on the inside…..

And your soul is calling you to wake up, to feel, to be with yourself and the portal is to be exactly where you are at.

To feel.
To go within & meet every facet of yourself.
To give yourself permission to be exactly who you are.

Raw. Authentic. Wild. Soft & True.