You think you have time.
You think that your voice, your medicine, your truth - you think that it can wait to get out into the world.
That it can wait to be re-ignited & re-membered within you.
I get it, it’s your survival mode kicking in saying that you don’t have time right now, that it can wait, that you’ll catch it the next time around. Nobody needs your truth right now anyways….
but what it is actually saying is that it’s not safe to fully stand in your truth, that it’s not safe to allow your magic to be fully seen, that it’s not safe to stand in the fire of what you burn for.
And lovely….it will keep saying that until you do the work to bring your subconscious on board, until you alchemize the light & the dark, & befriend your shadows.
That voice - it will be there two months from now, 6 months from now - 5 years from now…..unless you make the choice to listen to the other voice…the voice of your soul instead.
The voice of your soul, the whisper, the niggle, the one that knows you are meant for something more, that knows your truth needs to be spoken, that knows that there is a fire that is deep within you that needs to be re-ignited.
That knows you need to step into your fierceness now.
Not tomorrow, not next year….now, because your truth, your medicine, your voice is needed on this planet right now.
Not a minute later.
You think you have time - you don’t….the time to rise is right now.
DM me ‘Fierce’ to rise right now.