You fully in your power, in your medicine is the greatest threat to the patriarchy, to the systems of control.
There’s a reason that women have been run ragged, constantly doing, on the hamster wheel, exhausted, overwhelmed, separate & alone…..it serves the systems of control because a woman who doesn’t feel worthy, accepted or that she belongs looses her life force.
She looses her fire.
And when a woman has lost her fire, her spark, her passion, her shakti, her creative life force & feels numb inside, dead, separate & alone….she is easier to control & manipulate.
Essentially she is easier to kill…..
She can’t separate the clutter & the noise from her own innate wisdom, from the truth that is within her…..
But we women are waking up to the power that we hold in our womb space. We are re-membering our ability to create change, to move mountains. To break the systems of control & stand in who we are.
We are listening to the wisdom of our body.
We are taking off the masks & showing up in our authentic selves.
We are standing up & speaking our truth.
We are returning to the Earth.
We are standing for what we believe in.
We are standing in our Sovereign Selves.
In our magic,
In our medicine….
A force feared by the systems of control.
Join us?
Doors to Selfless to Sovereign are open.