The trees began dancing, there was a depth & aliveness to them that I hadn’t witnessed before.
There was something mystical & magical about them as I became enamoured by their creases & knots, their branches & needles, the way they whispered in the wind.
These sovereign creatures standing tall at the edge of the garden never seen quite like this before by me.
Or maybe they had, I had just never noticed.
This past week has felt like a sensual slow down and an invitation to find the sacred in the mundane.
The beauty that is in the littlest moments.
The beauty that is all around.
The beauty that was always there, I just never stopped to notice.
How when the sun is beaming on my closed eyes it creates colours that dance
When my cheek is resting on the earth it quietens the chatter of my mind
How the words read from a book ignite the senses in my body
And how with this sacred pause the symphony created by the birds has never been quite so alive.
There is magic all around, there is the sacred in the mundane and this slow down has allowed me to really see what has always been there.
The earth is weaving a new tapestry & when we drop into her beauty & divinity it awakens & ignites all that is within & all around.
What divinity is in your ordinary?