If you feel frustrated because you know exactly what you want but your dreams just aren't coming true…..

I’m going to change that for you in this post.

A few weeks ago I was confessing to one of my coaches that I felt stuck & limited because my condo hadn’t sold. I have been manifesting for awhile now the sale of my condo and a move out into the mountains.

It hasn’t happened.

I was stating how once the condo sells then I will be able to move out to the mountains and thats when my dream life will begin… She helped me see that I was waiting for circumstances outside of my control to change before I could step into living life to the fullest.

This is not empowering, this is handing over the reigns to someone else and allowing them to take the lead. This is not you creating your desires, this is living life responding to the effect. {having support that shows you a different perspective like this in your life can be a game changer}

I wasn’t practicing one of the KEY factors of manifesting that I am going to share with you here.

I was waiting for my circumstances to change to make the decision to go and operating from that place as opposed to being what I wanted to bring in and making decisions as if it’s already happened.

I wasn’t EMBODYING my highest self.

We started looking at my options and if I was indeed stuck and limited by my condo not selling and the truth is I’m not at all stuck. We looked at my options and instead of making a decision from my limited self that feels stuck in her circumstance I made the decision from my highest self…..the one who is already living the dream life, that feels expansive, light, free and unbound.

That feels at peace when she is in nature, in her nook in the forest.

What choice would she make - to feel constricted & bound, allowing history to repeat itself or to feel unbound & free. This means taking the leap and moving out to the mountains leaving an empty condo for it’s perfect owner to meet.

My highest self would chose unbound & free.
She would choose to trust and allow the Universe to work it’s magic.
She would leap.

The key components to manifesting are to get your subconscious on board {<—this is huge}, create your unbound blueprint, act as if it’s already happened, & put yourself in vibrational alignment.

When I am in the city I feel constricted & stuck. That is STOPPING the experience I want to bring in from making it’s way to me.

When I am in the woods I feel light & expansive. That IS bringing what I desire right to me. I am a match for my dream life.

What is it that you desire? When you look at the choices that need to be made, what choice would your highest self make?

My Manifesting Mastermind begins soon, if you feel called to this program {and having this level of support} you can step into your highest self by clicking the link here.