I had my last drink on January 5th, 2016 and have been sober ever since.
The crazy part is that I knew I needed to quit drinking long before that, years before that. My relationship with alcohol was toxic, it was messy and I knew it needed to stop. What kept me from severing the toxic tie for all of those years was the fear of what would everyone else think of me if I was sober?
The fears that ran through my head repeatedly were….people will think that there is something wrong with me. I’ll be different from everyone else. Why can’t I just be normal like everyone else and be able to handle alcohol.
These were the thoughts that held me back from quitting drinking and that haunted me for the first few years of sobriety. What will people think?
When I first became sober I avoided dating simply because there was shame in admitting that I didn’t drink, admitting that I couldn’t handle alcohol and that I had to stop the toxic behaviour full stop. That I couldn’t just handle a drink or two.
There was shame in admitting that I was different from everyone else because alcohol is normalized by our society, its what we do. We have a couple of drinks and socialize. It’s what we do to wind down after a day of work, what we do to celebrate birthdays & holidays. And as soon as I quit drinking I didn’t fit into that box anymore, it was a limitation. I wasn’t the ‘norm’.
And our society has conditioned us to be the norm, to fit in and be like everyone else.
How has society conditioned you to hold your true self back so you fit into the pretty little box?
The shame with sobriety lasted a few years and through some deep work what I once considered my limitation has become my super power. I willingly share my sobriety story as a way to inspire someone else to break out of the shame and guilt that alcohol keeps them confined in. To question why do I stay in this lifestyle that keeps me at war with myself? Why do I drown out aspects of myself to fit in with everyone else?
Sobriety is my superpower, what is yours?
What aspect or change is it that you hold yourself back from even though your soul is guiding you deeply towards it? What do you hold back out of fear of standing out, out of fear of making others uncomfortable?
We are taught at a young age to blend in, to fit in, to not make others uncomfortable, to hide our superpowers and what the world is asking of us now is to stand fully in our super powers. In what makes us unique, in what is truth for us.
Where can you step fully into who you are and reclaim the pieces that are not the societal norm? The pieces that make you uniquely you? The pieces that are the medicine for a planet that is shattering the box they’ve been placed in?