There’s more of you.

There’s a depth you haven’t experienced yet,
There’s a well of truth that resides in the deepest caverns of your heart,
There is so much more than what is perceived by your eye……

There is an infinite Universe deep within you.

And the pathway to the depths within is to take off the armour, to put the sword down….to soften & sit in the discomfort.

To not run away,
To not hide,
To not numb out & not avoid.

To f e e l it all.

To let go of the resistance & be exactly where you are… the pleasure, in the pain, in the messiness of this human experience…..

To let your heart crack open, over & over & meet the depths within.

And I know your human conditioning has taught you to mask & stay guarded, I’ve been there…..I am an ex classic avoidant attachment style, I avoided feeling at all costs - which also meant I avoided love at all costs, which also meant I avoided life at all costs.

I avoided depth. Pain & Pleasure.

And what sitting in my pain & discomfort has allowed….is a greater capacity to love, a softer version of me to reveal herself, a depth & vulnerability like I’ve never experienced before.

A heart cracked wide open.

And what a gift your heart wide open is to this world.

It’s brave, it’s courageous, it’s you living the fullest expression of this life.
It’s moving mountains & meeting the vast cavern within.